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Hear from Our Residents & Families 

Kingston Residence of Marion is a safe haven for many families and residents who know they can thrive and flourish in our close-knit community. Read the firsthand accounts shared by our residents and their loved ones to get an idea of what life is like at Kingston Residence of Marion. 

If you’re considering joining a senior living community that offers support for assisted living, memory care, and more, we encourage you to visit us and discover what sets us apart.

Here’s What Our Residents Have to Say 

Experience the vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive experience of life in our community through heartwarming testimonials from our residents. Watch the video below to discover what life is like in our community and get a glimpse into our daily experiences.

Featured Testimonials

We’re so grateful for the kind firsthand accounts of our community that have been shared by our residents and their families. Read some of the most heartfelt stories below.

A Wonderful, Happy Home

“Growing up, my mom had created a wonderful, happy home. My brothers and I quickly learned that Kingston Residence was also a wonderful, happy home to meet our mom’s needs. We had complete peace of mind knowing that she was well-cared for, safe, and loved by the memory care team.” – Beth Williams

Lifting Spirits

“You have no idea how amazing you are. You go out of your way to care about others, sharing your strength, wisdom, and love in ways that lift spirits and touch hearts. You’re amazing in all that you are and in everything that you do. Thank you!” – Pete & Judy

A Welcoming Home

“Since day one, we always felt welcome. There is no way that we can personally thank every staff member; but, please know you have touched our lives and we are genuinely grateful. You are all angels!”– Daughters of Resident

Embrace Life with Us

If you’re intrigued and would like to explore life at Kingston Residence of Marion, book a tour with us. We can’t wait to meet you and answer all your questions!

Our Lifestyles

Independent Living

Experience freedom and support at the same time. Live a life filled with purpose and connections without worrying about daily upkeep.

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle for seniors who require assistance with daily activities.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Find compassionate care and tailored support for seniors living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Get temporary support in a safe and enriching community that can benefit seniors and their family caregivers.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion, OH 43302

Conveniently Located

The Kingston Residence of Marion is located in a tranquil residential neighborhood, just a short 10-minute drive from downtown Marion. Our community is located just off Highway 23 and is surrounded by beautiful grounds with majestic trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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