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Outdoor Activities for Seniors

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A senior woman takes photos with a DSLR camera

Older adults can benefit greatly from outdoor activities that keep them physically active, mentally stimulated, and socially connected. As such, it’s to their advantage to be part of a community or an assisted living home that offers services and amenities to facilitate quality outdoor time. However, while outdoor activities can be fun and exciting, the wide array of possible options can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Here are a few enjoyable outdoor activities that Kingston Residence of Marion recommends:

  • Nature walks
  • Gardening
  • Picnics
  • Fishing
  • Yoga
  • Lawn games
  • Bird watching
  • Art classes
  • Outdoor concerts
  • Dog walking

Nature Walks

Going for nature walks with friends or family is a wonderful way to enjoy fresh air, tranquility, and exercise. Walking also provides an opportunity to explore local parks, scenic gardens, or nature reserves. Choosing a level walking trail makes sure that the walk isn’t too strenuous. The physical and mental health benefits of nature walks include reduced cortisol levels, which help lower stress, as well as improved mental focus and attention.


Why not explore local parks and paths in the bike lane? Or, alternatively, choose a scenic route for a leisurely bike ride. Cycling is a fantastic way for older adults to improve cardiovascular health while enjoying the freedom of the open road.

Photography Excursions

Photography is an excellent companion to the outdoors! This activity allows older adults to explore their creativity, document their surroundings, and create lasting memories through snapshots. Photography as a hobby also helps capture moments that can serve as cherished reminders of enjoyable experiences.


Planting and maintaining a garden is a fulfilling activity for people of all ages. Gardening enhances emotional well-being and reduces stress while also improving physical fitness and dexterity. It can also result in better sleep quality and memory retention. 

Gardening is a great opportunity to enjoy fresh air and engage in productive outdoor work. Digging in the soil not only results in beautiful blooms and fresh produce, but also serves as an excellent form of exercise, promoting flexibility, strength, and a sense of accomplishment.


Picnics are perfect for older adults—they offer a chance to socialize with friends and/or family while enjoying good food, relaxation, and sunshine. You can have a picnic at a nearby park, beach, or any favorite outdoor spot. Pack a basket with nutritious snacks and set out for a delightful picnic experience.


For those near bodies of water, fishing is a soothing and enjoyable activity for older adults that fosters relaxation and patience. It’s a wonderful way to spend quality time with others while waiting for a catch of the day, and provides a rewarding outdoor experience that helps older adults connect with nature.


Yoga is an excellent exercise for older adults looking to maintain their flexibility, balance, and strength. It also has calming effects and can enhance a person’s overall well-being. Many communities offer outdoor yoga classes tailored to older adults, focusing on gentle stretches and breathing exercises that can help reduce pain.

A group of seniors playing lawn bowling outside on a sunny day

Lawn Games

Lawn games such as bocce ball, lawn bowling, croquet, horseshoes, or beanbag toss are great ways for older adults to get outside, socialize, and stay active. These games require minimal physical exertion but still offer competitive fun while promoting balance, coordination, and social interaction.

Bird Watching

Bird watching is a fantastic outdoor activity for older adults who enjoy nature. It can be done alone or with others and provides the educational opportunity of learning about various bird species. Bring binoculars and a field guide to identify local birds. Bird watching is a peaceful activity that fosters mindfulness and appreciation for diverse wildlife.

Art Classes

Outdoor painting classes offer a social and educational experience for older adults. These sessions allow participants to paint in a natural setting, creating beautiful artwork while surrounded by nature. It also helps improve time management skills.

Outdoor Concerts, Movies & Music

Many communities may host outdoor concerts or movies, or simply play music in an outdoor setting, giving older adults the chance to enjoy live music or cinematics in a pleasant outdoor environment. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy.

Dog Walking

Walking dogs is an excellent way for older adults to get exercise while enjoying the company of a furry friend. It also provides a sense of responsibility and purpose. Seniors can join someone else on their dog walk or walk small, gentle dogs themselves.

Embracing the Outdoors for Older Adults

The great outdoors offers a wealth of enjoyable activities to enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of older adults. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, a serene picnic, or an adventurous day of fishing, these activities can bring joy, connection, and a deep appreciation for nature during the golden years.

Give us a call and book a tour at Kingston Residence of Marion to explore the activities, services, and events we offer that we are certain will add value to your life!

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  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion, OH 43302

Conveniently Located

The Kingston Residence of Marion is located in a tranquil residential neighborhood, just a short 10-minute drive from downtown Marion. Our community is located just off Highway 23 and is surrounded by beautiful grounds with majestic trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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