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Making Christmas Special

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The Christmas season means different things to people. For many, it’s the favorite holiday because of the lights, gift giving, family gatherings, music and traditions. For some it’s the most holy religious holiday about the birth of Jesus Christ and for others it’s all about Santa Claus. Each one of us celebrates Christmas in our own way. Even with all of the different ways we can enjoy Christmas, I think we all can agree that it’s a special time and there’s a special “feeling” that comes with Christmas.

The Christmas season is special because it is about being with family and friends. This is what I call “one anothering”. At Christmas we give to one another. We care for one another. We support one another. We are thankful for one another. We have fun with one another. We encourage one another. We create memories with one another. We enjoy being with one another. We experience traditions with one another. When we are one anothering, we are infecting others in a good way. One anothering is contagious. The more you one another with family and friends, the more you want to one another with others. One anothering makes us want to reach out to others and include them in our one anothering. When we one another with others in need, they feel important and valued. One anothering is not a selfish act. When we one another, we think of others and not just ourselves. One anothering means we are respectul and thoughtful with others. One anothering doesn’t have to be a big deal. A simple act of opening a door for someone, a smile while passing by a stranger, allowing someone else to take a close parking space or thanking a checkout person is one anothering.

During this Christmas season let’s commit to doing more one anothering. The more we do and the more of us that “one another” will make the Christmas season even more special. During December, Kingston provides opportunities to gather together and the most special gathering is the resident Christmas party on the 20th. We invite all residents and family members to one another then.

“The spirit of Christmas is Christ-like love. The way to increase the Christmas spirit is to reach out generously to those around us and give of ourselves. The best gifts are not material things but gifts of listening, of showing kindness, of remembering, of visiting, of forgiving, of giving time.” Bonnie L. Oscarson

Bob Goyer Community Relations Director

Click here for the December Newsletter

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  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion, OH 43302

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The Kingston Residence of Marion is located in a tranquil residential neighborhood, just a short 10-minute drive from downtown Marion. Our community is located just off Highway 23 and is surrounded by beautiful grounds with majestic trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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