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Can You Believe it’s 2024?

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Can you believe it’s 2024? As the old saying goes, “time flies by”. Time isn’t the only thing that seems to “fly by”. What I mean by that is how things we want to do or accomplish can get lost in the business of life or passed over while being distracted by what we think are more pressing issues. Things such as calling a relative or friend to extend kindness or visiting a relative or friend that you haven’t seen for a while. We can get so caught up in our own life that we forget or even ignore others that would enjoy talking or visiting with us. Sometimes it takes effort or even courage to contact someone. We want to call or meet with them but we don’t for some reason. We can make excuses for why we don’t call or visit someone that we know we should. Before we know it, time has flown by and it could be months or years that have passed by without taking the step to call or visit them.

It’s a common tradition to make New-year resolutions. How about making this resolution for 2024? Call at least one relative or friend that you have been procrastinating to call. It may have been years since you spoke with him/her and you don’t know how to even begin the conversation. Let me suggest simply saying, “I’ve been thinking of you and wanted to give you a call. It’s been too long since we’ve talked and I just wanted to catch up on things. How have you been?” I’m betting that you are thinking of someone right now that you should call. Don’t feel guilty about not calling sooner, but it would be good to call them sooner than later. Don’t let more time pass by.

Have you ever said, “I wish I had done that years ago?” What I hear from residents and families is, “I wish I had moved (mom/dad) into Kingston a long time ago.” The resident or family member regrets not moving into Kingston when they could have benefited from the socialization, great food, fun activities and excellent care. Because they thought living at home was best, they realize how much enjoyment they missed out on. Living at Kingston isn’t for everyone, but it is the right place for many.

The one thing all of us have the same amount of is time. We can either make the best use of it or let it slip through our hands. If you haven’t checked out Kingston yet and know you should, give us a call today. If you have checked us out before but have not made the decision to move in, give us a call today to discuss it. If you already live here, you know how big and important the decision was to move to Kingston. We are not guaranteed of tomorrow but today we can take control of time and make the best use of it. Don’t let time slip through your fingers. Let us help you make the best use of the time you have.

Bob Goyer

Community Relations Director

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Experience freedom and support at the same time. Live a life filled with purpose and connections without worrying about daily upkeep.

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Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle for seniors who require assistance with daily activities.

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  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion, OH 43302

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The Kingston Residence of Marion is located in a tranquil residential neighborhood, just a short 10-minute drive from downtown Marion. Our community is located just off Highway 23 and is surrounded by beautiful grounds with majestic trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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