Our Community
in Marion

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Here for You Every Step of the Way

Welcome to Kingston Residence of Marion, where compassion and empathy are at the forefront of everything we do. We focus on providing enriching and fulfilling experiences for all our residents while keeping their needs in mind.

We offer a wide range of services, experiences, and activities, from culinary experiences to events that include regular outings to local churches, parks, restaurants, and museums, live entertainment sessions, cookouts, and bingo nights. There’s always something to look forward to!

We are committed to creating a fulfilling, inclusive, and safe community for our residents with 24/7 medical care, a compassionate and dedicated team, delicious and nutritious dining options, wellness support, and more.

Ready to schedule a tour? Get in touch with us today.

A Proud Part of
Kingston HealthCare

As a proud part of Kingston HealthCare Company, Kingston Residence of Marion is a supportive community where people can live well and form meaningful connections with each other. From fully-equipped suites to customized care plans, our community is dedicated to upholding the values that make Kingston HealthCare Company cherished by families, residents, and staff members.

The Kingston Approach

Kingston Residence of Marion values those whose character and attitude promote our mission. All our employees are expected to: 

  • Preserve the safety and well-being of all residents and employees. 
  • Show genuine care for all residents and employees. 
  • Do what is right, even when no one is watching. 
  • Be flexible, be dynamic, and adapt to change. 
  • Create a workplace free from rumors and gossip. 
  • Never initiate or participate in defamation of others.
  • Resolve differences and work to strengthen the team. 
  • Accept responsibility and never shift blame to others. 
  • Provide factual information in a diplomatic way. 
  • Identify priorities, ask the right questions, and remove barriers. 
  • Do things right the first time. 
  • Always strive for continuous improvement.
  • Recognize the contributions of others.
  • Exceed expectations. 
  • Have fun!

A Note from George Rumman, President & CEO of Kingston HealthCare

There’s nothing corporate about care.

The world of health care is changing. As financially motivated mergers and acquisitions continue to create instability and adverse effects on residents and staff—we remain fiercely independent and deeply rooted in the Marion community. 

We’re a small company, but our team is empowered to make decisions in the best interest of our residents and local community. Most of our team members were born and raised in the area and have made it their life’s work to care for the region’s seniors at Kingston. I’m uniquely fortunate to greet and embrace many familiar faces who have been with us for 10 and 20 years every time I walk through our front door. 





Schedule a Tour with Us

Schedule a personalized tour with us and experience what sets our community apart. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

During your tour, you will have the opportunity to explore our healthcare and wellness services, speak with our team members, take a leisurely walk through our lovely community, and soak it all in!

Our Lifestyles

Independent Living

Experience freedom and support at the same time. Live a life filled with purpose and connections without worrying about daily upkeep.

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle for seniors who require assistance with daily activities.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Find compassionate care and tailored support for seniors living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Get temporary support in a safe and enriching community that can benefit seniors and their family caregivers.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion, OH 43302

Conveniently Located

The Kingston Residence of Marion is located in a tranquil residential neighborhood, just a short 10-minute drive from downtown Marion. Our community is located just off Highway 23 and is surrounded by beautiful grounds with majestic trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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